In 1973, the Semiconductor Industry, better known as chip manufacturers, was in its infant stages of growth. These companies included, Intel, IBM, Texas Instruments, AMD, Motorola and Fairchild. The manufacturing process to build “chips” required exposing a chemical, a photopolymer known as negative resist, to UV light layer upon layer. This process was repeated approximately 20 times to obtain the end product of multiple chips on a substrate made of silicon. Each layer is super critical, too little UV energy or too much energy, created failures. Each layer had to have the absolute correct exposure to UV light, otherwise, the substrate was scrapped and no yield.
George Richardson and Jerry Bachur, having years of experience working with UV light, realized the critical nature it played in microchip fabrication. Mr. Richardson’s extensive experience in designing a UV Light Meter (Radiometer) that was accurate, repeatable and reliable were key factors necessary to produce a UV light meter necessary for microchip processing. The Model 201 UV Light Meter was born. This hand held and portable meter eventually became the microchip industry standard worldwide. The Model 201 provided real time and accurate measurements at the required wavelength, measurements were based upon NIST standards and calibrations to calibrations were repeatable again based upon NIST standards.
Mr. Richardson continued his work with UV light and in 1995 established G&R Labs. His attention to detail, repeatability, reliability, and engineering design talents created a complete line of UV Light Meters to meet the needs of the expanding applications of UV light ranging from 220nm to 540nm whether for medical uses, 3d printing, disinfecting, UV curing and for microchip manufacturing. Today, G&R Labs UV Light Meters are sold worldwide. A number of models have been developed in conjunction with manufacturers and are either integrated within their units or are recommend to their users.
Today, Mr. Richardson mission statement continues: Produce a UV Light Meter that is accurate, repeatable, reliable and to provide services that meet the customer needs.